Your Tax Organizer

Your Tax Organizer is a very important document.  It serves a dual function in helping you provide the vital information we need to prepare your return. But it’s also designed to alert your tax advisor to potential tax savings opportunities or potential problems. It usually takes about 20 minutes if you gather the recommended documentation before starting.

If you are a returning client your pre-populated tax organizer will be added to your SmartVault in late January or early February. You’ll receive an invitation with instructions to activate your SmartVault Account.

If this is your first year working with us, you’ll get a blank copy by a secure link or access it in your SmartVault. You’ll receive notice by email when it’s available. 

Instructions and a general time line of what to expect are located in your Organizer packet. Use the video for help filling it out and for an overview of what to expect next.

Please upload the completed Tax Organizer and all supporting documentation into SmartVault at the same time. We’ll automatically be notified of the addition.

Gather the relevant forms listed here and in your packet. Use the video for page -by-page guidance. 

  • W-2 and 1099 Forms reporting salary and compensation
  • 1099 Forms reporting Interest, retirement and dividends
  • 1099-B Forms and cost basis statements for investments
  • 1098 mortgage, 1098T college tuition, 1098E Student loan interest
  • Schedule(s) K-1 for partnerships, trusts, estates and S-Corps
  • Settlement Statement for each real estate purchase, sale or refinance
  • Pay stub from last paycheck
  • Voided check or bank information if direct deposit is requested